Many small business owners and customers are sending their kids back to school. As fall approaches, what effect does this have on your small business?
As kids go back to school, parents and teachers will be adjusting their schedules. What does that mean for your small business?
YouTube is a very powerful platform for small business owners, however very few actually utilize it for growing their business. In this episode, we discuss why you should be on YouTube and some of our top YouTube tips.
Most people don't realize that YouTube is one of the largest social media networks. The site has 1.3 billion users (Facebook has 1.44...
When you put yourself and your business in the public eye, you are going to face critics. In this episode, we discuss how to assess critics to determine if the criticism is valid and how to deal with it.
There are many types of critics out there. Some may have good intentions but many do not. Assessing which type of critic you are being confronted with helps you deal with...
We have seen so many businesses fail because they are not focusing on the two most important aspects of their business: building an audience and providing products and/or services.
Even if you have the most amazing products and services in the world, if you have no audience then you will have no sales. Building an audience is a critical step for success. Here are some...
In this episode, we discuss various ways to find networking opportunities and how to work those opportunities to grow your business.
Are you are local, regional, or national business? This will help determine the type of networking you want to do. Even if you are a national business, it is important to do local networking. This will allow you to built trust,...
In this episode, Jeff and Kristin discuss stressful and crazy situations they encountered this week and the process used to get back on track: Pause, Reflect, Reset. They also discuss ways to track your efforts on social media and in advertisements to make sure your time and resources are going to the right places.
Jeff's other podcast, The Worldbuilder's Anvil
Brendon Burchard's...
We get so wrapped up in our businesses that we often forget to protect ourselves online. In this episode, we discuss some common sense ways to protect yourself and your business.
Since we are discussing security, let's start with why it's so important. Last week, the IRS suffered another data breach. With so many major breaches in the last few years, it is important to make sure...
In this episode, Jeff and Kristin discuss the basics of Facebook profiles, pages, and groups. We also discuss some best practices for each of these and when and how you would want to use each of these.
In the News
How to speed mobile page load times with AMP and WordPress
17 Powerful Facebook Stats for Marketers and Advertisers
In this episode, Jeff and Kristin discuss why you might not be connecting with your customers: you aren't speaking their language.
Is Fallout 4 better than sex? Pornhub reveals traffic dropped 10% on the day the game was released.
Small Business Saturday: The antithesis of Black Friday
If you are having trouble connecting with your customers, they...
In this week's episode, we focus on why you need to own your platform and not rely on social media as the main way to build your business.
Steve Jobs Says No To Stylist - Apple Announces the Pencil
Small Business Confidence Rises Slightly In August
Small Businesses Say Taxes Are Biggest Problem
Kristen asks about writing off a...