Are you looking at your website stats? What are you looking for? Do you see the numbers and aren't sure what they mean? In this episode, we discuss where you can find your website stats, what you should be looking at, and what you can do with them to grow your business.
Did you know you can find a lot of data about your site and...
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is constantly changing. In this episode, we discuss the top SEO tips for 2016. If you haven't looked at the rules for a while, you might be shocked to see how much things have changed in the past few years. We look at two major categories that affect your ranking: technology and content.
Announcement: Jeff and Kristin will be presenting at Launch Out St. Louis...
We have seen so many businesses fail because they are not focusing on the two most important aspects of their business: building an audience and providing products and/or services.
Even if you have the most amazing products and services in the world, if you have no audience then you will have no sales. Building an audience is a critical step for success. Here are some...
In this episode, we discuss 7 simple ways to wow your customers. So often we get so focused on the next big thing that will move our business forward, that we forget the small things. These are 7 business fundamentals that you can begin improving upon today. We give suggestions for many types of businesses to improve your communications with clients.
In this episode, Jeff and Kristin discuss the basics of Facebook profiles, pages, and groups. We also discuss some best practices for each of these and when and how you would want to use each of these.
In the News
How to speed mobile page load times with AMP and WordPress
17 Powerful Facebook Stats for Marketers and Advertisers
In this episode, Jeff and Kristin discuss why you might not be connecting with your customers: you aren't speaking their language.
Is Fallout 4 better than sex? Pornhub reveals traffic dropped 10% on the day the game was released.
Small Business Saturday: The antithesis of Black Friday
If you are having trouble connecting with your customers, they...
This week, we discuss how to use surveys to grow your business and better serve your customers. We also discuss tools you can use to create free surveys and how to promote them.
New type of auto-rooting Android adware is nearly impossible to remove ACA open enrollment now through December 15
Surveys are a great way to grow your business. It allows...