Episode 143 - How to hire and work with a website designer


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Discuss the questions you should ask, how the process works, and what you should have when the project is over. 

  • Before you start the search
    • Look at some websites to determine what you like
    • Use What Runs Plugin to see what others are using to create their site
    • Ask who built those sites
  • Red Flags
    • All accounts should be in your name and you should have access to them, including domain and hosting
    • Home brewed servers
    • Completely custom built sites
    • No contract
    • No deadlines
  • Caution
    • The claim to be high end, but have no portfolio to start
    • Misses deadlines consistently
    • No "How I work document"
    • Does not understand conversion
    • Cannot give you a specific answer to how the changes will help your business
    • Is very negative toward the system you want to use without specifics. 
  • Things to consider
    • Do you understand what you need to do to make the project work?
    • Do they give advice on how to make it better?
    • Do they understand your industry or show the ability to learn quickly?
    • Do they show genuine concern for your business?
    • Do you think it would be fun to work with them?
    • How will you collaborate?

Check out some of the web designers we love

Joey Berrios @ WP Tech Services

Lena Elizer @ Lena Elizer Designs who created our logo and original site.

Jonathan Guenther @ MPWR Design

Pamela Dale @ Pamela Dale International INC. who is working on our first sales funnel

FREE DOWNLOAD: The system to guide your leads to sales

(The 1st question has saved us hundreds of hours of wasted time)

We all have wasted time trying to sell to people before they are ready. So we came up with this simple system to guide our leads to sales and have included 21 questions you need to answer to make sure they are ready to make the sale.